When mom has her hands full it is wonderful to see siblings helping each other out. The best lesson is not only for the one getting help but for the one doing the helping. Today I witnessed a beautiful site. One of my older girls was helping her younger sister with the metric system. After listening to her explanation, I don’t know if I could have explained it better.
The best part is that it freed my time to teach the younger one about snakes and work on our lap book together. So you may be wondering what a rotation system is. It is exactly what I described above. It is beneficial for large home school families because the children are able to help with teaching and if not teaching they take turns occupying the younger ones while I teach the older ones.
This system has worked in our home for years and it is wonderful to see the ones that were being taught taking the reins and teaching their younger siblings. I often wondered how I was going to successfully home school all my children, but the implementation of the rotation system has removed all my doubts and worries.
The learning has continued as well. My child then proceeded to teach her younger sibling about measurements and showed her how to read recipes and apply math to those recipes. They then made a wonderful batch of brownies. Yes, they were baking! The math lesson continues and implemented into daily life routines.
The learning does not stop at the close of our ‘school’ day, our learning never stops.
Remember to keep learning fun and I hope these tips were helpful.