TMD (temporomandibular disorders) is not a single condition, but rather a blanket term for a number of painful conditions that affect the jaw joint. That joint, the temporomandibular joint, is often referred to as TMJ. You may have actually heard TMD referred to as TMJ in the past. TMJ is the actual joint, whereas TMD refers to the disorder.
Patients suffering from TMD experience pain and discomfort around the jaw joint and the muscles associated with the movement of the jaw. The pain can be short term or long term, depending upon the cause of the TMD. Many patients have recurring symptoms that go away for periods of time, then return. For patients suffering from TMD in Las Vegas, Dentist Dr. Kevin offers many options for treatment. He and his team at BaaBee Dentistry are trained in evaluating and treating TMD.
Symptoms Of TMD
TMD is a common problem, but many people don’t know they have this disorder, either because they don’t recognize the symptoms or because they have been misdiagnosed in the past. The symptoms of TMD include:
- Headache: This is the most common symptom of TMD. They can range from mild to severe and are caused by excessive pressure on the jaw joint. These headaches are frequently misdiagnosed as migraines.
- Facial pain: TMD sufferers frequently have pain their face, near the ears, in their neck, shoulders and even back. Sometimes facial swelling is also present.
- Ringing in the ears: This symptom can sometimes be coupled with dizziness.
- “Popping” or “clicking” sound in the jaw: This is a common symptom of TMD. In extreme cases, this can lead to lock jaw.
- Worn down teeth: People who grind their teeth or clench their jaws very tightly can wear their teeth down. This clenching and grinding can also lead to TMD.
Causes Of TMD
There are many things that can cause TMD. There are so many causes, in fact, that the medical community admits they don’t know the exact causes of the disorder. They do know that TMD can be traced to issues involving the muscles around the jaw and the jaw joint itself. But what leads to those problems is often as varied as the individuals who suffer from the pain.
The jaw is a joint, just like any other joint in the body. If you think of all the ways people can injure a knee or elbow joint, it stands to reason there are just as many ways to injure your jaw, a joint we use all day, every day.
Some of the more common things that can lead to TMD are:
- Facial injury.
- Broken or injured jaw.
- Tooth grinding.
- Tooth clenching.
- Arthritis.
- Stress.
You Could Be Making Your TMD Pain Worse
TMD can be extremely painful, and unfortunately many everyday activities can aggravate this pain. If you suffer from TMD you should avoid the following, as they put extra pressure on the jaw joints:
- Chewing Gum.
- Eating crunchy/hard foods.
- Yawning widely.
- Playing with the jaw to get it to click.
- Clenching your teeth when stressed.
- Forcing your lips together to cover your teeth. (people often do this to hide braces or missing teeth)
- Licking your teeth.
- Biting your fingernails.
- Chewing pencils or pens.
- Cradling your phone against your shoulder.
Not All Dentists Are Trained To Treat TMD
TMD is not difficult to treat, once it has been diagnosed. Patients can make use of customized oral devices to keep their jaw in alignment while they sleep, to prevent tooth grinding, and to ease pressure on the jaw. Sometimes, poorly fitting dental prosthetics are the culprit, and in those cases, Dr. Kevin will recommend corrective procedures. In cases where stress aggravates the situation, he may prescribe medication. And some patients receive a combination of treatments, based upon their individual situation.
Unfortunately, not every dentist is trained to understand or treat temporomandibular disorders. Dr. Kevin and his team at BaaBee Dentistry have been successfully evaluating and treating patients who suffer from TMD pain for many years.
He treats each TMD patient as an individual. He will conduct a complete dental exam and will most likely take a series of x-rays of the jaw and face. He will make a determination of treatment options based upon your medical history and your current physical situation. If you are suffering from jaw or facial pain, call the BaaBee Dentistry offices in Las Vegas to learn more about your options for TMD treatment.