Maybe it was the sound of Mr. Smith’s dulcet tones expounding the history of colonial America that finally lulled you to sleep. Or maybe you walked into class and just had to make a quick sketch of that interesting (at least, more so than the Beaver Wars) flowerpot on the window. (Then it grew wings, of course, which absolutely impelled you to draw a few clouds around it too, and the whole thing quickly developed into a full-fledged work of art that would do any Renaissance man proud.) Of course, there was also that cute guy sitting in front of you – what do the Aztecs got on him?
His hair smelled like Axe…
But now you’re sitting there without a clue about…well, what did they talk about in class again?
Fortunately, if you happen to be stuck on your homework – whether it comes from having the attention span of a goldfish, or from an inability to understand history despite having expended genuine effort – there are a number of useful resources available to you for free that’ll probably give you enough of an idea of what’s going on that you can finish your homework.
By doing a simple Internet search, you can find a variety of different websites dedicated to history or homework help or tutoring services. Many of these websites are meant specifically for students taking a particular course (e.g., U.S. History, World History, European History, etc.) and therefore will include the mostly the same information you’ve covered in class. You can also find videos that may help you gain a better understanding of the topics you’re learning if Mr. Smith’s lectures and presentations didn’t quite do the trick.
Many schools also offer peer tutoring programs for their students. These arrangements allow students to fill their community service requirements while helping their classmates do better in school. If you’re struggling with your homework, you can ask if your school has a program like this, and if not, you may even try to arrange something yourself.
Your best option, however, is still to invest some time into getting help from your teachers. (It may involve some skilled tracking, as the teacher tends to be an elusive breed after school hours, but you’ll likely find one in its natural habitat, the classroom.) Although staying after school or coming in during lunch may seem like a nuisance to you, remember that your teachers know what they’re trying to teach better than anybody else does. It is their job, after all, to educate you; take advantage of that.